
INFATUATE: 1997 Traveler's Atlas

Thirteen years ago my Mom gave me this wonderful leather atlas. I remember begging her to buy it for me in the store and her simultaneously doubting that I would ever use it. That same year she surprised me with it on my birthday and I have had it ever since. Take that mom! And sorry about that Heroquest board game we begged for and never played.

My original plan was to carry my atlas around like Indiana Jones, pretending to be intellectual while taking notes on my travels. I never had the courage to actually write in the book as I thought it was too nice to damage. Looking back I'm quite happy I didn't graffiti it with teenage angst. The atlas has kept in great shape and still makes it with me on almost all my trips. These days a quick check online can accomplish all this old atlas can, but there is always more to be said about the original. Not too many people ask me about my iphone anymore, but it seems everyone has something to say about this little book.

My atlas lives on my desk, but often makes its way into my travel bag.

Close up detail

Great size. 5x7". Thanks iruler.net

My Geographic Handbook

Rep the Bay...

You can find me an 1.5" below my index finger and .5" to the right.

My favorite part of the atlas comes towards the back after all the maps and notes sections. Here you find all the useful things you need on your travels. Toll free numbers, area codes, and international dialing codes. International travel requirements, foreign embassies, country capitals, languages, religions, and currency. A grid of international air and road distances. A chart of major national and international cities and the corresponding high/low temperatures to expect by month. My personal favorite - weight and measure equivalents, temperature conversions, and clothing size equivalents...pictured above. Lastly there is a perpetual calendar representing the years 1985-2010. Uh oh, time is running out. Time to get a new atlas? No way! I hope this guy will be with me forever.

1 comment:

Queentammiefer said...

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